Francis on women’s ordination
Soon after Pope Francis was elected and the refreshing changes in
his leadership style were being celebrated, I wrote that he doesn’t get the issue of women. That became abundantly clear
this last week when he again closed
the door on women’s ordination. Yes, he’s a wonderful man. Yes, he’s humble and
courageous in his determination to right wrongs, even to a limited extent on
the treatment of women. But he just
doesn’t get it. He does not understand patriarchy; he does not understand its
impact on human thought, attitudes, and expectations.
Francis is not uninformed, just unenlightened. He has not
accomplished the shift in consciousness that is required to accept women in
roles previously delegated exclusively to men. Christian God-talk keeps Francis
and other good people from realizing what patriarchy has done. He needs a
strong dose of Mary Daly (“If God is male, male is God”) and Rosemary Radford
Ruether, whose book Sexism and God-talk
motivate my writings and presentations on sexist God-talk.
I and other feminists have been railing against the drumbeat of HeHimHis
for years, without effect on Christianity. But outside of our religion there is
movement. Atheists scoff at the Christian gods called Father and Son, but they are
not the most effective. I believe Nones are the ones who will put the final nail in the coffin of patriarchy because they do not waste energy proving how
foolish literal religious beliefs are. They don’t discredit themselves by
scoffing at spiritual reality. Nones neatly sidestep religion.
I’ll say more about Nones next time. In the meantime, read my post
“Francis on women’s authority.” The
man who let me tell about his shift in consciousness has since died.