
Showing posts from July, 2015

NCR tells it

July 9 I often wish readers could hear or see the comments I get to my blog, especially if they have more content than a compliment. I like compliments, of course, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the one from a woman whose husband liked my writing so much she asked him if he was in love with Jeanette. Occasionally I have included emails in my own post, and I decided to do it again.   John Chuchman: I am Catholic evermore, Roman, never again.   I don't see the Franciscan Spirituality of Rohr or the Spiritualities of the other Major Orders as being "Roman." Even if Jesus had organized a church, which he did not, it surely would not be Roman.  I decided to post three comments anonymously without asking or waiting for consent. fascinating, especially on Eleanor Roosevelt.   keep up your fine work. Thanks, Jeanette. Yes, I read the article in the NCR… It will take a long time to undo the literal belief in Christian myth… But I seriously bel