
Showing posts from March, 2018

Trump Disaster

Democratic socialism, September 2018 I’m sharing another of my published opinion pieces, this one in the St. Cloud  Times . An email friend told me it was in. That’s usually how I find out it’s been published, because I don’t get the paper until days later from a kind neighbor. This arrangement saves both the environment and my pocketbook. The  Times  used my suggested title—  “Socialism” is not a dirty word . ”  I explain that democratic socialism does not reject capitalism but checks its vices—power-grabbing, union-busting profiteering at the expense of all citizens with less money and power. The U.S. already has forms of socialism because our taxes fund transportation, police, schools, FEMA, Social Security, Medicare, and many more socialist institutions. They provide for the welfare of all and check the power of capitalist bosses to control what rightly belongs to everyone—like our government.   Without socialist checks, Washington D.C. becomes an enemy of the people