
Showing posts from November, 2020

My Swan Song It’s time to write my swan song—this is my last post, but this blog with its Blog Index on the left will remain available.   I look back with nostalgia on heady blog discussions in years past with readers from every corner of the country. My posts were primarily essays on religions and spirituality involving research and careful thought rather than quick impressions of the moment. I like to provoke thinking, to challenge conventional beliefs and question accustomed patterns of thought.   Comments from readers show the same love of ideas. Intriguing statements came from atheists. Besides mocking foolish literal beliefs, they seem to share my yen for thinking about large, metaphysical questions—Where does everything come from? What is life about? Who and what are we? Why do we exist?   Various brands of religion and spiritual systems have grappled with these questions, and my posts reflect on them. In them I repudiate Christian teaching that violate

Scientists Teilhard and Bohm   Scientists experiment on physical reality or what can be seen all around us, what our external senses can feel or touch. From the first moment I encountered quantum mechanics in the 1990s, I thrilled to it as the key to joining spiritual reality with physical reality, mind with matter, internal with external.  Subsequently, I found many authors who corroborated my spiritual interpretation of quantum mechanics, but no physicist . . . until I discovered David Bohm.  Physicist David Bohm, whose scientific credentials are unimpeachable, wrote a textbook called,  Quantum Theory, which was widely used to inform physics students. Einstein praised its clarity, and it remains a classic on quantum theory. Most significant for me, Bohm found scientific evidence of a hidden order in what appears to be simply chaos or random chance. He called it the “implicate order.” Most of science deals with "explicate order," and some scientists even deny the exist