Male God-talk
Sexist prayer cleaned up, October 21, 2011 Those of us who are aware of sexism’s subtleties often cringe in church where we hear the SOURCE of All That Is reduced to a man-like being. But at Roman Catholic WomenPriest Masses, where we clean up the God-talk, we are relieved and renewed. The following Eucharistic Prayer shows what a difference language makes. Ruth Lindstedt took the Prayer we had been using and revised it to create this one that we like even better and now use at our monthly womenpriest Masses. Prayer Leader: God is with us! All: Amen! PL: Let us open ourselves to the transforming power of the Creator. All: We lift our hearts to God and one another. PL: Let us give thanks to the source of all life and love. All: It is right to give God thanks and praise. PL: Blessed are you, Creator God of the universe, through whom all life began, continues to grow and change. In the beginning, God Sophia spoke the Word, “Let there be,” and with a cosmic flash all creati