Sophia & Jesus mixed
Sophia & Jesus mixed, January 23 Many scripture scholars have noted parallels between the Jesus portrayed in the Fourth Gospel and Sophia in the Books of Wisdom, Proverbs, Baruch, and Sirach. “Sophia” in Greek means wisdom and is grammatically feminine. So much do the two figures—male and female—resemble each other that verses about them are interchangeable, as the following list demonstrates. I challenge readers to discern of each line whether it refers to the Divine Feminine in Wisdom Literature or the Divine Masculine in the Fourth Gospel. Translations are from the NAB and the Inclusive Bible. I changed words that gave away the gender. Decide whether the original line was talking about Sophia or Jesus. Answers—next week. . . . was present to God from the beginning. . . . comes from God; . . . dwells with God forever. I came that they might have life. The one who finds me finds life. All who hold H__ fast will live, and those who for...